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How can I tell if my dog is anxious?

May 08, 2023

Duncan Houston

Dogs can display a variety of behaviors and physical signs when they are feeling anxious. It's important to pay attention to these cues to help address their anxiety and make them feel more comfortable. Here are some common signs that your dog might be anxious:

1. Pacing or restlessness: An anxious dog may pace back and forth, have difficulty settling down, or seem restless.
2. Excessive panting: Heavy or rapid panting not related to heat or physical exertion can be a sign of anxiety.
3. Whining or whimpering: A dog may vocalize its discomfort through whining, whimpering, or even barking excessively.
4. Shaking or trembling: Some dogs may shake or tremble when they are anxious or fearful.
5. Excessive licking or drooling: Dogs may lick themselves or objects excessively, or drool more than usual due to anxiety.
6. Avoidance or hiding: An anxious dog may attempt to avoid people, other animals, or specific situations by hiding or retreating to a safe space.
7. Tail tucking: A tucked tail, often accompanied by a lowered body posture, can indicate anxiety or fear.
8. Ears pinned back: A dog may pin its ears back against its head when feeling anxious.
9. Yawning: While yawning can simply indicate tiredness, it can also be a sign of stress or anxiety in dogs.
10. Destructive behaviors: An anxious dog may chew on furniture, shoes, or other objects in an attempt to relieve stress.
11. Urinating or defecating indoors: If a house-trained dog suddenly starts having accidents indoors, it could be a sign of anxiety.

If you suspect your dog is experiencing anxiety, it's important to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist. They can help you determine the cause of the anxiety and recommend appropriate strategies for managing it.