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What is in a dog vaccination and why do I need to vaccinate my dog?

Dog vaccinations contain small amounts of modified or killed viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing organisms. These components, called antigens, stimulate the dog's immune system to...
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Why does my dog bark?

Dogs bark for various reasons, as barking is one of their primary means of communication. Some common reasons your dog might bark include:1. Alerting: Dogs...
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Common household toxins for dogs

There are numerous household items that can be toxic to dogs. It is important to be aware of these dangers in order to keep your...
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Why is my dog vomiting?

Dogs can vomit for a variety of reasons, ranging from mild to severe. Some common reasons include:1. Dietary indiscretion: Dogs might eat something they shouldn't,...
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Grading Dog Poo: A Peculiar Guide to Evaluate Your Dog's Health

IntroductionWhile the topic of dog poo might seem unpalatable or bizarre, it is an important and often overlooked aspect of canine health. As responsible pet...
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Leash Reactivity and Managing a Reactive Dog on Walks

IntroductionLeash reactivity is a common problem faced by dog owners, trainers, and walkers alike. It occurs when a dog becomes overly excited or aggressive while...
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